Frequently asked questions

Sometimes all it takes is a little spark to ignite your productivity and streamline your workflow."

faq boy with logos

Little Spark is an innovative tool designed to enhance collaboration and communication between you and your clients on projects. It provides a visual and interactive way to track progress, share updates, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Color-code nodes: Assign colors to represent different stages of completion, priority levels, or any other relevant categories.
  • Add notes to nodes: Provide detailed information, updates, or instructions related to each specific point.
  • Track progress: Both you and your clients can visually see the progress of the project as nodes change color and notes are updated.

  • Enhanced communication: Little Spark facilitates clear and concise communication between you and your clients, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring everyone is informed.
  • Improved transparency: Clients have direct access to project progress, fostering trust and confidence in your work.
  • Increased efficiency: The visual nature of Little Spark makes it easy to identify potential roadblocks and address them proactively.
  • Streamlined workflow: By centralizing project information and updates, Little Spark helps you stay organized and manage your projects more effectively.

  • Architects and engineers
  • Construction managers
  • Landscape designers
  • Event planners
  • Project managers in any field that benefits from visual progress tracking

We are currently in alpha testing! As soon as we have more information about wider access to Little Spark, we will update this FAQ with all the details you need to get started.